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Conference photos

Photos from Conference  Available here more photos will be posted

Info for Social event

Conference Social Event on the Seaside – Riviera Coast Bar Restaurant Tuesday 3 September 2024 | 20:00 @Riviera A night to remember at the Athenian coastline with great food, drinks and music!  Open to all registered delegates.  Price for accompanying persons: 100 euros (paid at registration desk). How to get there: A shuttle bus to […]

List of Main Conference papers

The list of papers has been released until the official proceedings of the conference are published. You can find the list of paper IDs here Read the papers here

Extended deadline Early registration

Registration Click to register NOTE Each accepted paper requires at least one author to have performed a full registration before June 1, in order for the paper to be included and published in the conference or workshop proceedings. One full registration covers a maximum of 3 papers by the same author. Note that the presenter of the paper does not need to […]

Call for Doctoral Consortium

Call for Doctoral Consortium Submit your Application here! In 2011, the first Doctoral Consortium in the Document Analysis community was organized in conjunction with the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). This has led to successful successor events at ICDAR 2013, ICDAR 2015, ICDAR 2017, ICDAR 2019, ICDAR 2021, and ICDAR 2023. The […]

Camera-ready papers submissions

The Camera-ready papers must be submitted together with the copyright form and source files (LaTeX / Word) by 30 April 2024. Please note that one ZIP archive file (*.zip) is required to be uploaded, which includes all the LaTeX source files (with main.tex), the PDF of authors’ camera-ready paper copy (XXXX.pdf) and the signed copyright form (XXXX_copyright.pdf), where XXXX […]

Tutorials announced

Tutorial 1 : Full day ICDAR Tutorial on Private, Collaborative Learning in Document Analysis Organizers: Dimosthenis Karatzas, Rubèn Tito, Mohamed Ali Souibgui, Khanh Nguyen, Raouf Kerkouche, Kangsoo Jung, Marlon Tobaben, Joonas Jälkö, Vincent Poulain, Aurelie Joseph, Ernest Valveny, Josep Lladós, Antti Honkela, Catuscia Palamidessi, Mario FritzContact: Dimosthenis Karatzas <> Tutorial 2 : Half day Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG): […]

Deadline Submission for Journal Track papers with “Revise” review

Call for Papers: 2024 ICDAR – IJDAR Journal Track If your paper was submitted correctly, you should have received an email acknowledgement from an ICDAR chair. If you received no such acknowledgement, let us know right away. Important Dates For convenience, we list the regular conference paper submission deadline enclosed in [brackets]. 15 March 2024: Journal […]

Keynote Speakers

Prof Jürgen Schmidhuber Director, AI Initiative, KAUST Thoughts about Machine Learning Speaker’s Bio The New York Times headlined: “When A.I. Matures, It May Call Jürgen Schmidhuber ‘Dad’.” Since age 15, his main goal has been to build a self-improving A.I. smarter than himself, then retire. His lab’s deep learning artificial neural networks based on ideas […]